Phoca vitulina autumn 2022 from theroadrunner CC-BY-NC


Frequently Asked Questions

What is GBIF?

GBIF—the Global Biodiversity Information Facility—is an international network and data infrastructure funded by the world’s governments and aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth.

What is this Hosted Portal?

Each hosted portal is a simple website hosted and maintained on the GBIF infrastructure. The programme complements other tools available through the network by lowering the technical threshold for maintaining a branded web presence displaying a targeted subset of the data and information already available through see GBIF Hosted portals for more

What is a GBIF Node?

The GBIF Node is a team designated by a participant to coordinate a network of people and institutions that produce, manage and use biodiversity data, collectively building an infrastructure for delivering biodiversity information.

What can I discover on Hosted Portal? Hosted Portal let you explore Open Biodiversity Data published about Belgium. This is all data occurring in Belgium and openly shared through GBIF. Most of these data are coming from Belgian Institutions, Public agencies, Scientists and Citizens, but also from abroad thanks to data repatriation.

Can you help me with my data?

Platform experts and our infrastructure are there to help you sharing and re-using Open Biodiversity Data. Visit our services section for more.

How can I contribute?

If you have relevant Biodiversity data want to share data through GBIF, we suggest you to Become a publisher or directly contact your Node Manager. If you have a remarks or issues on this website, please let us know via our GitHub repository.